TheraNova® is an experienced
Venture-Studio and Incubator.

Taking medical device development from concept through clinical trials, and regulation to commercialization, with an impressive track record of multiple products taken to market.


We create solutions and technologies with the potential to:

improve outcomes for patients

expand access to healthcare

reduce cost for patients or payers


TheraNova® pursues a rapid, highly capital-efficient process incorporating all the needed elements of medical device innovation, development, clinical trials, regulation, reimbursements and commercialization in a shared R&D model.

Since its inception, TheraNova® has been able to:

Spin-out 20 companies and raise more than $35M from government grants.

Raise more than $400M to its portfolio companies.

Receive 12 regulatory clearances (PMA) and approvals(510K) for its medical devices from the FDA.

Filed and granted more than 120 US patents, conducted and concluded more than 30 clinical trials.






Dr. Burnett received his M.D. from Duke University and concurrently obtained an M.B.A. from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business. Since 2006 Dr. Burnett has raised, or helped raise, over $250 MM for the fourteen TheraNova spinouts. He is an inventor on 57 issued patents and over 180 patents pending worldwide. He recently joined University of California San Francisco as an entrepreneur in residence with QB3 and as adjunct faculty in the Bioengineering Department.


Shane Mangrum


Shane Mangrum, MD, is an experienced, board-certified physician in the field of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Dr. Mangrum is a physiatrist with Axion Spine & Neurosurgery Center in the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area. He is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, as well as sports medicine.

Dr. Mangrum maintains a clinical practice in the area of interventional pain medicine. He is also a founding partner of TheraNova. In TheraNova Dr. Mangrum has worked in various roles and is a co-founder as well as Board member for Bone Health Technologies.





  • MSc. in Imaging from RIT

  • MSc. in Regulatory Science John Hopkins

  • Found/CEO with 5 successful Exits

  • Inventor on over 300 issued patents

  • Experience in regulatory processes

  • Adjunct lecturer at Tel Aviv School of Medicine

  • Licensed USPTO patent agent

  • Investor & Board of early stage companies

  • Extensive bussiness in Japan





  • 25+ years of medical device development and commercialization

  • Experience at:

    • Guidant (Abbot)

    • Cordis (J&J)

    • Nelix (Endologix)

    • Relisys

    • Trireme

    • MedeonBio









Material Selection

Rapid Protoyping

3D Printing


Experimental Test Design

Silicone Molding


Quality System Implementation

Clinical Study Execution

Coherence To FDA Guidelines


In addition to comprehensive engineering capabilities, 

TheraNova’s principals and staff have significant clinical, intellectual property, regulatory and quality system expertise. 

TheraNova and its spinouts have also worked closely with leading reimbursement consultants in the industry and have conducted clinical research in the United States, Europe, and South America.



spinout technologies

TheraNova® has created and spun-out a number of privately funded companies, including:


incubated technologies

Theranova®’s portfolio of incubated companies is supported by a mix of internal capital, grant and angel funding.

For more information on our incubated programs or to learn about upcoming investment opportunities, please email us at


Contact us
(415) 926-8616

255 Kansas Street

San Francisco, CA 94103


job opportunities

Theranova® is continuously seeking to recruit the best bio-engineering talent to join our dynamic team. If you are interested in joining our team please drop us a line using our contact us link.